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副教务长负责维护与教师有关的信息 学术和财政年度任命, 夏天合同 和每年 列表和引用.


原始的聘任书/聘书包含基本的雇佣合同(头衔), 最初的工资, 启动, 影子工资),仅适用于双方同意的正式报价变更(如.g. (行政任命)在任职期间发生的. 部门寻求有关的信息 招聘流程 和 在大学系统中进行任命 是否鼓励与人力资源部联系.


这所大学已经过渡到Softdocs. 请与你的大学财政官员一起处理2024年的夏季合同.

全国各地, 研究 institutions have undergone federal audits 和 there have been several large civil settlements related to overcharging on federal grants. 作为对此的回应, the National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General (OIG) undertook several labor distribution audits.

Auditors are finding numerous items including improper calculation of summer faculty compensation; charging of salary to sponsored projects during the summer when the effort was actually expended during the academic term; charging of salary for 100 percent effort over the entire summer term when the faculty member had significant non-sponsored activity commitments; 和 charging of salary to sponsored projects when the investigator was, 事实上, 度假.

西北大学被罚款500万美元,约翰霍普金斯大学被罚款2万美元.700万,阿拉巴马大学/伯明翰分校3美元.400万美元,梅奥基金会6美元.500万年. 这些实体只占那些被发现并被罚款的实体的一小部分.

University of Idaho has developed a summer salary worksheet 和 guidelines to help faculty in planning their summer activities 和 to document those activities in order to be in compliance with applicable federal, 国家和大学的规章制度.

夏天的时候我可以灵活安排时间吗 in the same manner that I do during the academic term (meaning that I may vary my work days in my lab over the pay period but still end up working the full time expected of me) or am I expected to clock my time 和 report on an hourly basis?

教师 can flex their time during each week they are working 和 receiving compensation on a grant in much the same manner they would during the academic term. 教员不被认为是小时工. 大学和联邦赞助者考察的是一段时间内的努力, 不是用小时表示的时间.

我不知道我想在夏天度假的确切日期. What happens if I fill out my summer salary worksheet saying that I am going to work the full 30 days at 100 percent effort between May 15 和 June 26 but I decide to take a two week vacation during that time period?

You would need to amend your summer salary worksheet to reflect the period you are going to be gone 和 an EPAF will be processed in Banner to stop your pay during that time period. When you return to work a new EPAF will be put on the system appointing you on the appropriate sources for the remainder of the time you specified.

Why can’t I just take the amount of salary I can charge to a sponsored project 和 average it over the thirteen weeks to come up with a lesser amount of effort spread out over the entire summer? 例:我在申请中写了5000美元作为一个月的暑期工资. 在13周的时间里,这将是67%的努力.)

This would be appropriate as long as you intend to be working on your 研究 project for the entire summer. This reduced amount of effort gives you time during the other 33 percent of your total effort to devote to non-sponsored activities.

然而, if you are going to be physically away from campus 和 not engaged in 研究 during any part of that reduced time during the summer, 你应该修改你的暑期工资表来反映这个变化. 年假不是大学为学年教员提供的福利. 因此, it would not be appropriate to charge salary to a sponsored project for time that you are not working on that project.

I am planning on working the entire thirteen weeks of summer on my sponsored project at 100 percent level of effort. 这是否意味着我不能与学生进行简短的咨询, answer an occasional non-project related phone call or email or attend an administrative meeting?

The government recognizes that a certain amount of de minimus activity will occur when faculty are engaged in 研究, 教学和学术活动. 该大学将“极小值”定义为努力的总变化不超过5%.

I am planning on working on my 研究 project during the period of time that covers the 4th of July 和 Memorial Day. Do I have to reduce the number of days that I am being paid by two days to account for the holidays that fall within that time period?

Paid holidays that fall during the summer are not a benefit afforded to academic year faculty.

然而, if you work the actual holiday or you flex your time during that week so that you end up working full time during that week, 你不需要减少天数来计算这段时间的假期.

今年夏天,我将在一项资助下教学和工作. 我也有一个基于项目的任务,不适合网格中的盒子. 我该如何解释这些不同的工作呢?

Summer appointments can be broken out on multiple worksheets 和 contracts if it helps to determine the exact time/effort 和 salary for each work assignment. You may have a different rate of pay for the class versus the grant or the work may occur at different times. It is okay to have multiple 夏天合同 as long as the total salary does not exceed the maximum allowable summer salary. 对于基于项目的作业,可以使用工作表作为指导. 目的是解释任命和付款的理由. 只要能回答这些基本问题,网格就可以被修改.

是的,作为例外. 额外的补偿, 从本质上说, 是教职员工教学之外的工作, 研究, 因此,外联和服务(如适用)也是一项繁重的工作.

主席批准, dean 和 the provost 和 executive vice president for such activity through an additional compensation form is required before the faculty member may teach the course. 额外的补偿报告给州教育委员会.


The official list of university faculty is maintained by the Office of the 教务长和执行副校长. 从2019-20学年开始,教师名单将在此页面上提供. Previous lists of faculty were maintained in the university 目录 和 remain archived in the 目录.



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MS 3152
