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科学学院Kudos 2023年12月




Alistair史密斯 (教授兼主席), 地球与空间科学 is part of a collaborative team from U of I, 博伊西州立大学, Idaho State University and the Coeur d’Alene and Shoshone Bannock Tribes that was awarded a $20 million 美国国家科学基金会 EPSCoR track I grant titled “Idaho Community-Engaged Resilience for Energy-Water Systems (I-CREWS).” 了解更多关于这个奖项的信息.

雪莉Luckhart (教授, 生物科学与昆虫学, Plant Pathology and Nematology) and University of Arizona professor Mike Riehle were awarded a $2.700万美元的拨款 美国国立卫生研究院 to continue their studies to combat malaria transmission by mosquitos.

克丽丝Waynant (化学副教授)年薪645,273美元 NSF grant titled “Synthesis of Peptide-based Zwitterionic Cross-Linkers and Evaluation in Bioadaptable Hydrogels.”

Alistair史密斯 (教授兼主席), 地球与空间科学 is co-PI on a multi-institutional NSF 曲目2 ($2.44 million to U of I) grant titled “Collaborative 研究: RII Track-2 FEC: Where We Live: Local and Place Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Underserved Rural Communities.”

孟赵 (助理教授, 地球与空间科学 received an Idaho 美国国家航空航天局 EPSCoR 50美元,000 award titled “Improving Streamflow Prediction Using Satellite and in situ Observations in the Snake River Basin.” 

格兰特哈雷 (副教授, 地球与空间科学 received $156,000 for an NSF 名为“高分辨率”的气候项目, Multi-species Reconstructions of Greater Yellowstone Region Paleoclimates Using Tree-Ring Anatomy.”

扎克艾蒂安 (物理学副教授)是a 美国国家航空航天局 grant for $271,726 (to U of I) titled “Electromagnetic Signals from Merging Supermassive Black Holes.”

莱昂纳多R. Werneck (博士后研究员,物理学)获得78,298美元作为共同发起人 美国国家航空航天局 LISA Preparatory Science Program (LPS) grant titled “Gravitational-Wave Signatures of Massive Black Hole Formation.”

埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (助理教授, Mathematics and Statistical Science) received a $250,000 NSF grant titled “LEAPS-MPS Controllable Sets for Nonlinear Switched Models.”

埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (助理教授,数学与统计科学)和 坦尼娅三浦 (生物科学系教授兼主席)获 国家卫生研究院 R01资助600美元,000 titled “Novel Hybrid Computational Models to Disentangle Complex Immune Responses.”

埃斯特万Hernandez-Vargas (助理教授, Mathematics and Statistical Science) is PI on an 国家卫生研究院 COBRE试点资助118美元,000 titled “Multiscale Modeling for Preparedness Against 联系-Dependent Infectious Disease Transmission.”

卡洛琳Bohach (大学特聘教授, 动物, 兽医及食品科学, 和导演, INBRE) and 巴里罗宾逊 (教授, Biological Sciences 和导演, IIDS) received an 国家卫生研究院 INBRE设备补充补助金$204 266.

Eric Mittelstaedt (副教授, 地球与空间科学 is co-PI on a $509,641 NSF grant titled “Quantifying the Role of Simultaneous LLSVPs and Continents in Earth's Cooling History with Coupled Thermo-Chemical Convection Simulations.”

克雷格•米勒 (生物科学助理教授) 特蕾西•彼得斯 (研究科学家,IMCI)和 史蒂夫·克朗 教授,数学与统计科学 国家卫生研究院 儿童疾病综合管理中心COBRE补编$556 732.

你强 (教授,物理学)是一个 爱达荷国家实验室 LDRD项目赠款119美元,966 titled “Integrated Heterogeneous Structure of High-Entropy-Alloy/Reactor for High-Throughput Chemical Synthesis via In-Situ Carbon-Dioxide Hydrogenation.”

巴里罗宾逊 (教授, 生物科学)和Terry Soule(教授兼主席), 计算机科学)获得了该州的第一名 国家卫生研究院 科学教育伙伴奖1元.3 million titled “Eradicating Misconceptions about Viruses Using Multimodal Trace Data in an Intelligent Game-based Environment Across Educational Contexts.”  


巴里罗宾逊 (生物科学教授)及 卡洛琳Bohach (大学特聘教授, 动物, 兽医及食品科学, 和导演, INBRE)在《365滚球官网》上与人合著了一篇题为 “Genomic surveillance identifies potential risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 transmission at a mid-sized university in a small rural town.”

保罗·罗利 (生物科学副教授) 马蒂Ytreberg (教授, Physics) together with a group of current and former students published an article in PLOS Pathogens titled “家族的新型病毒 Partitiviridae 中发现的 酿酒酵母.”

保罗·罗利 (副教授, Biological Sciences) published an article with current and former students in FEMS Yeast 研究 titled “The prevalence of killer yeasts and double-stranded RNAs in the budding yeast 酿酒酵母.” 


祝贺 利亚弗莱 (B.S. 化学,1979年)和 夏洛特山 (B.S. 细菌学和化学,1976年,1977年)获得了 365滚球官网校友名人堂奖.

祝贺 杰瑞Fairley (教授, 地球与空间科学 for being awarded the U of I 职业服务 Career Impact Award for his work ensuring that U of I geology majors are career-ready. Dr. 费尔利在5月的一个招待会上得到了认可.

两名前成员 保罗·罗利的 (生物科学副教授)实验室, 维克多钟 (B.S. 《365滚球官网》(英文版) 坦纳Badigian (B.S. Biochemistry ’21), received NSF Graduate 研究 Fellowship awards. 维克多和坦纳都是之前的接受者 希尔大学本科生研究奖学金.

弗兰克Wroblewski博士学位.D. 候选人 艾丽卡雷德的  (助理教授, 地球与空间科学实验室, received a 美国国家航空航天局 Idaho Space Grant Consortium fellowship for 2023-2024 for his work titled “Detecting lava flow glass with VNIR reflectance as a climate proxy.”

5月, the College of Science hosted over 100 students and teachers from northern Idaho for the Youth Water Summit. 学生们受邀听了一场主题演讲 凯伦·休谟 (教授, 地球与空间科学 and presented their water research projects for judges. 获奖者将获得伊利诺伊大学的奖学金. 点击这里了解更多.

格兰特哈雷 (副教授, 地球与空间科学, 他现在和以前的学生, 合作者被刊登在 地球岛杂志 about their work to use tree-ring dating to document past climates in the West.

克莱尔·谢尔顿, a junior majoring in medical sciences and animal and veterinary sciences, was one of 35 members chosen to run for a position on the 2023-24 National FFA Officer team. Officers were selected at the National FFA Convention in November.

杰森·弗兰克, scientific instrument supervisor in the Department of Chemistry, 他是8月份的最佳工作人员吗!


The University of Idaho, home of the Vandals, is Idaho’s land-grant, national research university. 从莫斯科的住宅校园, U of I serves the state of Idaho through educational centers in Boise, 科达伦和爱达荷瀑布, 9个研究和推广中心, 外加42个县的扩展办事处. 近11人的家,全州有1000名学生, U of I is a leader in student-centered learning and excels at interdisciplinary research, 为企业和社区服务, 在促进多样性方面, 公民意识和全球拓展. 犹他大学参加了大天空和西部体育大会. 欲知详情,请浏览 ycdwkj666.com.




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