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VTD, Music Composition and Orchestra Collaboration a Glowing Success

Joshua Nelson wanted to do something big for his senior capstone project in 虚拟技术/设计 (VTD)——大而难忘. So he decided to destroy his hometown of Edmonds, Washington.

说句公道话,他并没有毁了这一切. Instead, 他设计了一个虚拟的, post-apocalyptic scene where he could show his interpretation of bioluminescence — the production and emission of light by living organisms.

Nelson’s vision depicts glowing plants and microscopic life forms growing on overturned boats and abandoned buildings, all under a sky full of bright and beautiful stars no longer concealed by light pollution.

“它充满了悲伤, 这很可悲,也很恶心, 但我也想展示它背后的美,” Nelson said. “What would happen if a city was abandoned and there were no more people? 没有我们的生活会是什么样子?”

纳尔逊和他的 作曲 合作伙伴格蕾丝(n)阿特金森创作了《365体育滚球》,在播放的十段视频中,有一段是由乐队演奏的 莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院 (LHSOM) orchestra during a concert at the Administration Auditorium in January 2023.

这是他第二次举办音乐会 艺术与建筑学院 (CAA) and the 文学、艺术和社会科学学院 (CLASS) displayed student-produced animation shorts with live music, although this was the first time the videos were backed by the full orchestra. The 2021 performance had eight presentations and was supported only by the string orchestra because of COVID-19 restrictions.

The concept behind the project is to create a three-way partnership between VTD, 音乐创作和LHSOM, giving students a chance to create with peers in other fields, 加强创意过程.

“这对我们的观众来说很特别,”他说 约书亚·斯金纳LHSOM管弦乐团总监. “To have VTD and 作曲 students create something so unique and then allow the orchestra to help tell their story makes for an amazing cross-collaboration. 我迫不及待地想看看他们明年会推出什么.”



Ten teams of VTD and 作曲 students were paired together at the start of the 2022 fall semester. 音乐作曲学生, under the direction of CLASS Senior Instructor Ruby Fulton, provided the auditory muse to mesh with the VTD creations.

“We’re familiar with the visual side of storytelling and we partnered up with someone on the music side to create a more emotional experience,VTD学生Keaton Marschman说. “It’s important because, in this industry, you’re always going to be working in teams.”

Marschman and his 作曲 partner Peter Shelley produced “Lucretius,” titled after an ancient Roman poet and philosopher named Titus Lucretius Carus. Lucretius produced many pieces of literature around the idea of nature adapting to any obstacle man puts in the way.

视频显示一辆坦克在战斗中被击毁. Slowly, grass and trees start to grow around the rusted-out metal. The haunting music created by Shelley tells a story of both sorrow and reclamation.

“I like the idea of how humans can destroy something but then nature reclaims it and turns it into something beautiful,马希曼说.


Luma’s Journey



Trading Places

尽管斯宾塞·库佩奇是一名音乐作曲学生, he might have spent as much time constructing the storyline with his VTD partner Joey Cisneros as he did making music.

Cuppage和Cisneros创造了《365滚球官网》,” a story about a child who falls out of a small boat and drifts to the bottom of a body of water, 在一个陌生的海底世界醒来.

The two met in person once a week to discuss the story, each bringing ideas they had worked on. They both referenced movies and stories that influenced them and found they had similar interests. 他们没花多长时间就创造了一个故事情节.

“We talked about the reasons the main character would do something or not do something,” Cuppage said. “我们讨论了故事中的漏洞以及如何修复它们. 我们只做了双方都同意的改变.”

Amazing. The whole project was fun but to see it on the big screen and have the orchestra play it exactly like you imagined it is something I’ll never forget. Spencer Cuppage,音乐作曲学生

Conversely, Cisneros found himself contributing to the 作曲. Cuppage put together the rough musical tracks to play for Cisneros and the two discussed what they liked and which parts could use some tweaking.

“我整个初中和高中都在乐队里, 所以我提出建议并不觉得不舒服,西斯内罗斯说. “I made suggestions here and there and if we both agreed then we made changes.”

VTD students and faculty review and critique presentations.


演讲是否给人一种后世界末日的感觉, 未来主义或只是简单的古怪, 每个研究小组对生物发光的解释似乎都不一样. VTD临床副教授就是这么做的 Rayce Bird 希望会发生.

Bird and the course co-instructor, VTD Program Head and Associate Professor jean - marc附近, gave the students a vague concept on purpose to see how many ways they would run with it. Each team had opportunities to obtain peer and faculty feedback on their progress during the semester. Bird was excited about the quality of their completed work.

“It was great seeing how far they came — how much better their presentations were as they went through the semester,” he said. “This capstone project represents four years of hard work and development, 他们做得很出色.”

The concert was originally scheduled for December 2022 but was postponed due to the homicides of four U of I students Nov. 13. 把活动改到另一个学期, 许多学生不得不调整他们的时间表来参加. 等待是值得的.

“太棒了,”卡佩奇谈到这场音乐会时说. “The whole project was fun but to see it on the big screen and have the orchestra play it exactly like you imagined it is something I’ll never forget.”

Article by David Jackson,大学传播与市场营销.




Bruce M. Pitman Center


