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4310 -学术咨询和咨询


  • Position: 战略招生管理副教务长
  • Email: sem@ycdwkj666.com

Last updated: June 01, 2009


A. Policy
B. Definitions
C. Responsibilities
D. Procedure


A-1. 在美国制度固有的自由选择之下, 职业目标是每个人自己的选择. 入读伊利诺伊大学是为了达到职业和教育目标, 学生同意满足由教师和校董会指定的课程要求.

A-2. 每个入学学生都有一名学术顾问的帮助. 顾问是在他们选择的领域建立起来的教员,因为他们的经验而被分配, interest, 并渴望帮助学生. 顾问的作用是帮助学生进一步评价他们的职业目标,并帮助他们选择所选课程所需的课程.

A-3. 不确定职业目标或对必修课程有困难的学生应向咨询中心咨询 & 考试中心或就业服务中心. 这些中心的专家在重申或修改他们的职业目标和个人目标方面为学生提供进一步的帮助.

A-4. 在所有这些问题上,主要责任在于学生自己. 他们有责任满足指定的课程要求. 顾问和专家在咨询中的作用 & 考试中心或就业服务中心为学生提供帮助.

A-5. 教师作为顾问的责任仅次于教学. To this end, 顾问每周都有合理的时间来帮助个别学生. 当日程安排需要时,教师可能会要求学生提前预约.

A-6. For their part, 学生有责任在预定的会议时间内预约,并及时预约会议. 此外,他们在与顾问相处的时间上必须谨慎行事.

B. Definitions. 学生咨询和辅导包括三个阶段:注册前咨询, 课程建议, 以及咨询和职业规划.

B-1. 预先注册咨询. 预注册建议由教师在预定的预注册期间完成. The purposes are: (1) to see that students enroll in the courses that they should be taking that semester as determined either by the standard curriculum as published in the catalog or as distributed by the subject-matter area or by individual programs worked out during the preregistration period or during 课程建议 sessions at some other time; and (2) to see that the registration packets are filled out properly.

B-2. 课程建议. 课程建议由教师在方便的时候完成. The purposes are: (1) to provide students with information to assist in determining goals within the framework of a particular curriculum; (2) to assist students in choosing among the various options available within a given curriculum with a view to students' career goals; and (3) to assist students in selecting the elective courses best suited to support the basic curriculum and their other educational goals.

B-3. 咨询和职业规划. 咨询的目的是帮助学生理解和解决他们的教育问题, vocational, 个人问题. 咨询是由教职员进行的 & 考试中心和就业服务中心根据学生的需要提供服务.

C. Responsibilities.

C-1. Students. The principal responsibilities of students are: (1) to select educational goals and the curriculum to follow in order to achieve these goals; (2) to be informed on rules, regulations, and curricular requirements in the catalog; (3) to take the initiative, 当有需要时, to consult with advisers before problems become critical; (4) to take into account the advice given concerning the curriculum; and (5) when a change in goals or curriculum becomes desirable, 仔细斟酌这件事, 寻求心理咨询的服务 & 必要时,检测中心作出决定,并贯彻执行决定.

C-2. Faculty Members. The principal responsibilities of members of the faculty are: (1) to be informed on rules and regulations in the catalog; (2) to be thoroughly acquainted with departmental curricula; (3) to be aware of developments and opportunities in their own fields that would have a bearing on the student's choice of options and elective courses; (4) to provide information concerning graduate study or extended professional preparation; (5) to be ready to call upon the resources of the university, 比如其他课程的专家, the Counseling & Testing Center, 以及就业服务中心, in assisting students; (6) to be patient and to offer advice in a pleasant, considerate, and professional manner; and(7) to be available by appointment and at an appropriate number of posted, 预定办公时间.

C-3. Administrators. 管理人员的主要职责是:(1)与教师协商, 制定符合学院教育理念的注册前计划和课程建议, its curricula, and the needs of the students; (2) to assign well-prepared faculty members and adequate physical arrangements to the advising programs so that advising may be accomplished with maximum effect and maximum convenience to both the students and the faculty; (3) to take advising duties into account in assigning routine tasks to the various members of their faculties; (4) to give due credit for student advising in evaluating the performance of faculty members assigned advising duties, 记住,与他们的院系成员, advising is second only to actual classroom teaching in the priorities of duty; and (5) in recruiting new faculty members, 考虑到可能需要额外的顾问.

D. Procedures.

D-1. 每个学生都应该由专业领域的资深教师指导. 只有经过精心挑选的教员——那些有个性的人, interest, 为学生提供建议的动机——应该参与.

D-2. 在常规预注册期间, 教师顾问不应试图通过个别会议提供超过25名学生的建议, 包括研究生. (这个数字可能会根据特定主题领域的预注册咨询的复杂性向上或向下调整.)

D-3. 如果一名指导教师的工作量必须超过25名学生, 将预注册咨询与课程咨询分开是明智的, 小组辅导低年级学生, 并安排个别课程咨询会议, 特别是对于新生, 注册后尽快.

D-4. 当使用组预注册通知时, 指导老师可能会得到准备充分的主修课程的高年级学生的协助. 助教应直接与学生小组合作,而指导教师则进行总体监督并解决问题. 当学生的学习清单完成, 指导老师应该检查一下, at that time, 为每个新生安排一个明确的时间进行单独的课程咨询会议.

Version History

2009年8月修订. 更新部门名称和小的编辑变化.

Amended July 1989. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Bruce M. Pitman Center


Fax: 208-885-9119
