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3090 - Temporary Hourly Employment


  • Position: Director of Human Resources
  • Email:

Last updated: July 01, 2020


A. Definition and Establishment of Positions
B. Appointments
C. Benefits
D. 使用申诉程序的限制
E. Employment of Relatives
F. Supervision
G. FAST Roster Program

A. Definition and Establishment of Positions. Temporary Hourly (TH) positions are positions in which the employee is compensated on an hourly basis as the services are needed. 雇佣关系可以随意终止,雇员没有继续雇佣的期望. This employment category does not include temporary board-appointed positions that are temporary due to contingency upon work and/or funding or other contingency as noted in employment letter. (See FSH 3080)

A-1. A TH position is established when there is a temporary or intermittent need for services not expected to exceed 1385 hours per calendar year.

a. 在任何一年或一年期间,预计临时服务超过1385小时, the department administrator will need to establish a temporary or continuing board-appointed position and advertise the position through the University's recruitment system. See FSH 3080 以设立董事会委任的职位).

A-2. Department administrators are authorized to engage TH employees to be paid from the Department's TH budgets on an hourly basis.

A-3. 院长和主任负责确保和记录招聘, employment, personnel actions and personnel policies for TH employees comply with legal requirements and are conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of affirmative action and equal opportunity. 人力资源部协助分类职位, determining compensation ranges, writing job descriptions, recruiting, 并应要求雇用临时职位. Required new hire paperwork, 比如工资单和I-9身份的验证, 是否需要进行背景调查, it must be requested through Human Resources and the results obtained before any work is started and other paperwork is completed or before an EPAF is initiated.

A-4. 被雇用为公司员工的员工可在没有指定理由的情况下被解雇,而无需事先通知. 主管可以在适当的时候提前通知终止.

B. Appointments. TH appointments must be entered and approved on the Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) for each TH employee before employment begins. 所有请求的数据必须在EPAF屏幕上输入.

B-1. Each new TH employee must visit Human Resources to present information required to document I-9 including other related and required documents before beginning employment. 为在莫斯科以外地点工作的人员作出了适当的替代安排.

B-2. Contact Human Resources or a current HR Banner manual for instructions regarding reporting of hours worked.

C. Benefits.

C-1. 员工只享有年假, 病假和不工作的假日带薪(见下文C-2和3460 D-1), a)并说资格取决于参加公共雇员退休制度(PERSI). See 3730 for PERSI eligibility).

a. Exemption from Social Security taxes for international students enrolled less than full-time or working more than 20 hours per week will be determined based on the visa type and length of stay in the United States. Contact HR for more information.

b. TH employees normally working at least 20 hours a week for a period of five months are required to participate in PERSI. 部门管理员应在提交员工EPAF时记录PERSI资格. 那些通常每周工作不超过20小时的人没有资格参加PERSI. PERSI资格由雇用时的PERSI规则管理.

c. Department administrators are responsible for notifying Human Resources when a TH employee who is expected to qualify for participation in PERSI is hired. 这通常是通过选择符合PERSI条件的EPAF类别来进行的. Human Resources/Payroll Services will inform department administrators and TH employees when the TH employee has worked 20 or more hours a week for four consecutive months. 该通知将解释该员工正在接近PERSI注册的阈值. The UI may choose from among the following options when this threshold is about to be met: (1) terminate employment, (2)每周工作时间减少到20小时以下, or (3) enroll the employee in PERSI.

d. If the employee continues to work 20 or more hours a week (option 3 above) enrollment in PERSI is mandatory, 登记将追溯至最初的雇佣日期. When the employee is enrolled, the employing department and the employee are responsible for the appropriate contributions to PERSI from the date of hire. (参见FSH 3730对贡献的完整讨论.雇员可以在不超过6个月的期限内分摊这些供款.

e. TH employees working at least 30 hours per week for a period of five months or longer are eligible to enroll in the University's medical and prescription healthcare plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA benefits, including contribution amounts, may differ from other employee groups and will be governed by the plan documents in effect at the time of eligibility.

C-2. TH employees who are paid for 40 or more hours in a biweekly pay period of 80 hours and who work for five consecutive months or longer are required to participate in PERSI and accrue annual leave during the first 10,400 hours of service (five years of full-time work) and sick leave on a pro-rata basis at the rate per hour worked which is represented by the proportion 96/2080. 例如,一名符合条件的TH员工在两周的工资期内获得62小时的工资,应计2.9 hours of annual leave and 2.9小时病假(62小时乘以96/2080,四舍五入到最接近的十分之一小时). Sick leave accrual is unlimited; annual leave accrual is limited to 192 hours maximum.

a. TH employees are responsible for entering the leave taken and hours worked into an electronic timesheet in MyUI. 年假必须事先得到员工主管的批准. Leave for each biweekly pay period must be submitted between the second Friday of the pay period for which leave is being reported, and the following Tuesday before 5 p.m. The reporting day may be altered if affected by closure of UI for a designated holiday or other time constraints affecting reporting requirements. See FSH 3710 for applicable leave policies; questions regarding leave should be directed to Human Resources. 人力资源或指定人员负责监督所有UI员工的带薪休假. 本款的规定也适用于带薪病假.

b. 如果TH员工获得董事会任命的职位, 其累积年假和病假将被转移. 在转到招聘部门之前,员工可能会被要求减少或取消年假. Sick leave is transferred. 在调任期间,如果没有规定的离职时间,则不支付年假工资.

c. 在终止或辞职后,员工将获得未使用的累计年假. All unused sick leave is forfeited when a TH employee is separated from service and no compensation is paid for unused sick leave. 如果雇员在离职后三年内返回符合条件的服务, 在离职时丧失的任何病假都将恢复.

d. Departments are responsible for maintaining accurate annual and sick-leave records for their TH employees and ensuring proper web timesheets are submitted and approved in MyUI.

D. 使用申诉程序的限制. TH员工无法使用FSH中列出的申诉程序 3860; for matters pertaining to prohibited harassment or discrimination, TH员工应联系民权和调查办公室.

E. Employment of Relatives. 外劳所载有关雇用亲属的政策 6240 B) and FSH 6241 B apply to TH employees.

F. Supervision. 部门管理员负责, 根据相应院长或行政官员制定的任何规定, 监督员工的工作.

G. FAST Roster Program. 部门行政人员招聘兼职, short-term, intermittent or replacement TH clerical or laborer employees are encouraged to contact Human Resources regarding Flexible Administrative Support Temps Roster. FAST名册项目中的个人寻求临时或兼职工作. 填妥的申请表可供部门管理员审阅.

Version History

Amended July 2020. Updated policy to reflect changes based on streamlined recruitment process that were finalized two years ago, current hiring practices, 并反映当前的流程和程序. 还进行了更新,以确保符合国家政策.

Amended January 2007. Editorial changes.

Amended January 2006. Editorial changes

Amended July 2002. 修改A-1、A-2、A-4、B、B-2、C-1、C-2、D、G. 编辑修改了A、A-2、C-1、C-2和D.

Amended July 2000. Editorial changes.

Amended July 1998. 修改了G,对D、E、F进行了编辑修改.

Amended July 1997. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
