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45.02 -赞助项目提案的准备和授权


  • 位置: 赞助项目办公室主任
  • 电子邮件: osp@ycdwkj666.com

最后更新: 2012年1月3日

A. 目的. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the orderly administration of sponsored project proposals and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 该政策包含适用于赞助项目提案的程序.

B. 范围. This policy applies to anyone submitting sponsored project proposals that would be awarded to the university if funded.

C. 定义

C-1. 首席研究员. The person taking primary responsibility and oversight of a sponsored project is known as the 首席研究员 (PI). 在提交提案或接受奖励之前,PI应该审查 角色和职责页面 以了解作为PI的相关责任. (见 APM 45.22 浏览大学对首席研究员的资格要求.)

C-2. 授权管理人(GA). 每个单位都有一个人被指定为赠款管理员, 也可以与项目负责人一起准备提案. 特别是, a GA often assists PIs with the preparation of salary and fringe benefit calculations and determining budget estimates.

D. 政策. 赞助项目提案是研究的书面报告, scholarly or creative activity proposed to be accomplished during a given time period and that is being requested to be funded by an entity external to the University of Idaho (the sponsor). 至少, a proposal should include an outline of the scope of work to be performed or the tasks to be accomplished, and a budget breakdown explaining how the requested funding will be spent towards accomplishing the scope of work. 赞助项目办公室(OSP)主任, 或其指定代表, is the only person authorized to accept external funding on behalf of the University and is also the final approver prior to submission of the proposal to the sponsor.

D-1. Roles and Responsibilities; Required Approvals. 所有与特定补助金有关的人员, contracts and agreements to the University of Idaho should have an understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities. 在提交提案或接受奖项之前,请先查看 角色和职责页面 如果对列出的任何项目有疑问,请联系OSP. 所有建议 must be reviewed and 批准 in the University of Idaho Electronic 研究 Administration (ERA) system by the unit administrator, 学院院长, 和OSP主任,然后提交给赞助机构.

E. 过程.

E-1. 资金的机会. The 研究 and 教师 Development (RFD) team helps University of Idaho faculty find funding for their research and scholarly activities. RFD provides resources and services to find and enhance the competitiveness of proposals across all disciplines.

E-1.a. 有限的提交. 对于一些融资机会, the funding agency restricts the number of applications an institution is allowed to submit. 这些被称为有限提交(LS)资助机会. The 研究 and 教师 Development (RFD) LS team has established processes for selecting the proposals that will be submitted by the University of Idaho in response to these opportunities. 该流程通常包括向RFD团队提交两步流程, as follows: The first step is for a PI to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to indicate interest in the program, 然后提交一份概念报告, which will undergo internal review when the number of NOIs exceeds the number of submissions allowed by the sponsor or to enhance proposal competitiveness for strategic funding opportunities. 内部审查委员会可由教员组成, 管理员, 和工作人员, 适当的, 谁熟悉赞助商或LS计划. 然后将内部审查过程的结果通知项目负责人, and whether or not they have been awarded the approval to submit a full proposal to the external sponsor. 一旦批准就继续前进, 拟备LS意见书, 批准, 并按照下面的提案准备指南通过维拉提交.

E-1.b. 如果资助机会被拒绝,需要通知. 由于UI有限的提交资金机会的竞争, a PI who is awarded the opportunity to submit a proposal to an external sponsor but declines to do so must notify the 研究 and 教师 Development (RFD) team within one week following receipt of the internal award notification. A PI who fails to submit a full proposal by the external deadline without timely notice to the RFD team shall be ineligible to apply to all internal limited submission funding opportunities for one calendar year from receipt of the internal award notification. 在特殊情况下, 由负责研究的副总统全权决定, 不合格的期限可以免除.

E-2. 建议准备. 一旦确定了资金来源, PI准备提案(遵循特定的赞助商指导方针), (如有)于大学的电子研究管理系统内. PI确定了工作范围, 足够完成所提议的工作的预算, 预算叙事. 在提案制定过程中需要考虑的其他项目可能包括:

  • 人类受试者或实验动物的参与(见FSH 5200和FSH 1640).54、apm 45.01)
  • 生物危害/重组DNA/辐射/选择剂/毒素的使用(见FSH 1640).14、apm 35.11)
  • 利益冲突和财务披露(见FSH 6240、5600和3170)
  • 成本分担/匹配(见APM 45).08)
  • 外国研究人员和顾问
  • 出口管制(见APM 45).19)
  • 知识产权(见FSH 5300)
  • 项目收入(见APM 45).13)
  • 出版的限制
  • 资本项目

有关这些主题的信息和其他有用网站的链接可在 OSP的网站. 请注意,一些预先建议的子集(白皮书、初步建议等).)也可能需要输入环境评估系统,以供审核和批准.

E-3. 预算发展. PI创建一个人员列表, 设备, 旅行, 分包合同, 参与者支持和整个项目的其他直接成本需求, including costs to be covered by mandatory cost share and any anticipated program income such as conference fee revenue. 适当的设施和行政管理(F)&A)成本(见FSH 5100 J和APM 45).10),然后相加,得出项目总成本. OSP has developed a budget template with built-in calculations to assist the PI that can be found at omc.ycdwkj666.com/research/faculty/resources/forms

E-4. 设施及行政(F .&)成本. 大学协商不同的费率为F&费用报销基于多种因素,包括, 但不限于, 担保机构是否是联邦机构, 正在进行的工作(研究)的类型, 指令, 公共服务/推广/其他), 正在进行的工作地点(校内或校外设施), and whether the sponsor is an industry partner (the university cannot accept limited rates from industry partners). 保荐机构对设立的F&A rates must be part of their published policy and provided in writing prior to proposal submission (见FSH 5100 J-1).

如果没有正式的保荐人政策, 只有研究和经济发展副总裁(VPRED), 或者他们的委托, 可豁免减免F&收费标准. 关于F的信息&A的成本和链接到其他有用的网站,包括当前的F&A速率可以在 间接(F&A)费用常见问题、apm 45.10, FSH 5100.

E-5. 成本分摊. 当大学承担赞助项目的部分费用时, 它被认为是成本分担或匹配. 这些费用必须包括在预算编制过程中. Cost sharing may be mandatory (required by the sponsor) or voluntary (where no such requirement exists). 因为成本分摊是程序化的, 行政, 以及对大学的经济影响, 除非担保人要求,否则通常不允许这样做. Special circumstances may exist in which a waiver may be obtained from the VPRED or designee. 参见APM 45.查阅更多资料.

E-6. 破坏者电子研究管理系统. 所有建议 必须至少由PI的单位管理员审核和批准吗, 学院院长, 和OSP提交给机构之前. 大学的电子路由系统审批, 维拉, allows the PI to provide all of the documentation necessary for review by the appropriate University personnel. 维拉登录链接可在 OSP主页. OSP赞助项目管理员(SPA)可以帮助解决一般问题, 或常见问题解答和培训链接可以在 OSP的网站. 所有建议 must be present in the eRA system and any agency submission portal (when applicable) in final form at least four full business days prior to the submission deadline. 看到 OSP的网站 有关详细信息,.

E-7. 建议提交. 如果提案是邮寄的, 电子邮件, or transmitted to the agency in a manner that does not require a secure login from an Authorized Organizational Representative, it is considered a hardcopy submission and proposal submission is the responsibility of the PI after all necessary approvals have been obtained.

通过外部电子系统(如研究)提交的提案.gov、eRA Commons、NASA NSPIRES等., PI负责上传提案材料供OSP审核. PI还负责完成并上传任何附件到助学金.. gov文件在维拉. 上传完所有文件后, 维拉中的信息是完整的, 所有内部批准都已收到, PI与SPA合作,最终提交给赞助商. OSP is responsible for final submission of proposals that require an Authorized Organizational Representative login.

F. 联系信息. For information and help in preparing and submitting proposals to external funding agencies please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at 208-885-6651, or preaward@ycdwkj666.com, or http://omc.ycdwkj666.com/osp.


2023年1月修订. 修订以更新程序. 增加E部分.1.b. 如果资助机会减少,需要通知.

2012年1月修订. 根据现行政策和程序进行修订.



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