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Behavior-Based Interview Questions

下面的面试问题示例为招聘委员会和招聘经理提供了一个资源,可以从中选择问题,帮助确定谁将在一个职位上最成功. The same set of questions should be used to interview all candidates.

Candidate Background Review

These questions are designed to confirm information on the candidate’s resume.

Educational Background

  • What is the highest level of education you have received?
  • 列出与(职位名称)职位相关的任何其他教育或培训.

Employment Background

  • Who is your present or most recent employer?
  • What are/were your major responsibilities at (present/most recent job)?
  • 通过提问来讨论/确定与(职位头衔)相关的技能和专业水平.
  • What do/did you like best about that position? What do/did you like least?
  • Why are you planning to/did you leave that position?

Interview Questions


  • Have you found any ways to make your job easier or more rewarding?
  • 你是否曾比你的老板或其他同事更早发现问题? How did you handle it?
  • 我们都有过这样的经历:我们在做某件事的时候,“从裂缝中溜走了”.” Can you give me some examples of when this happened to you? Cause? Result?
  • In your past experience, 您是否注意到任何不安全(不正确)执行的过程或任务?? How did you discover it or come to notice it? What did you do once you were aware of it?
  • Give me some examples of doing more than required in your job.
  • 你能想到一些因为你的努力而成功实施的项目或想法(不一定是你自己的)吗?
  • What new ideas or suggestions have you come up with at work?


  1. What pressures do you feel in your job? How do you deal with them?
  2. 描述一下你最近在工作中遇到的压力最大的情况. How did you cope with them?
  3. 告诉我你是如何在时间和工作压力下保持稳定的表现的.
  4. Describe the last time a person at work (customer, co-worker, and boss) became irritated or lost his/her temper. What did they do? How did you respond? What was the outcome?
  5. 请给出一些你在与客户打交道时感到沮丧或不耐烦的情况, co-workers, and boss). What did you do?
  6. 给我一个你的想法被同事或主管强烈反对的例子. What was the situation? What was your reaction? What was the result?


  1. How do you organize your work day?
  2. How often is your time schedule upset by unforeseen circumstances? What do you do when that happens? Tell me about a specific time.
  3. Describe a typical day ... a typical week. (Interviewer, listen for planning.)
  4. How do you establish priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.
  5. What is your procedure for keeping track of items requiring your attention?
  6. We have all had times when we just could not get everything done on time. Tell me about a time that this happened to you. What did you do?
  7. 告诉我你是如何制定一个行动计划来完成具体的长期和短期目标的.
  8. Do you postpone things? What are good reasons to postpone things?
  9. 假期或会议结束后,你是如何完成堆积如山的工作的?

Gather information relating to past work experience, duties, 工作条件与应聘职位相似.

  1. What training have you received in ____________________?
  2. Describe your experience with the following tools and equipment. (Interviewer, list job-related tool.)
  3. Walk me through the procedures you would follow to_______________.
  4. What equipment have you been trained to operate? When/where did you receive that training?
  5. What equipment did you operate in your job at ___________________?
  6. Describe your experience performing the following tasks. (Interviewer, list job-related tasks.)
  7. What job experiences have you had that would help you in this position?
  8. How do you follow the prescribed standards of safety when performing (task)?
  9. 作为一个 ________________________ 肯定需要大量的技术知识. How did you go about getting it? How long did it take you?


  1. What are your standards of success in your job? What have you done to meet these standards?
  2. 你认为你的部门对公司最重要的贡献是什么? What was your role?
  3. 在评估你自己或你的成功时,除了薪水之外,你认为什么因素最重要?
  4. 在评价他人的表现时,哪些因素或特征对你来说是最重要的?
  5. 描述一下你最努力工作和最大成就感的时间.
  6. Tell me about a time when you weren’t very pleased with your work performance.
  7. Why were you upset with your performance? What did you do to turn around your performance?


  1. We’ve all had to work with someone who is very difficult to get along with.
  2. Give me an example of when this happened to you. Why was that person difficult? How did you handle the person? What was the result?
  3. 在与个人或团体打交道时,你如何确定自己何时过于努力? How do you determine when you should back off? Give an example.
  4. 你是如何在工作中与同事建立融洽的关系的?
  5. Give me some examples of when one of your ideas was opposed in a discussion. How did you react?
  6. 告诉我,具体地说,你做了什么来证明你是一个团队合作者在______________.
  7. We all have ways of showing consideration for others. 你做过哪些事情来表达对同事的关心或体谅?
  8. 你如何让你的员工了解公司正在发生的事情?
  9. What methods do you use to keep informed as to what is going on in your area?

Gather information relating to an individual’s communication skills.

  1. 我们都有误解别人告诉我们的事情的时候(比如预产期), complicated instructions, etc.). Give me a specific example of when this happened to you. What was the situation? Why was there a misinterpretation? What was the outcome?
  2. What kind of reports/proposals have you written? Can you give me some examples?
  3. 举一个例子,当你告诉别人做某事,他们做错了.
  4. What was the outcome?
  5. 你目前正在准备(或最近准备)的哪些报告是最具挑战性的,为什么?
  6. What kinds of presentations have you made? Can you give me some examples? How many presentations do you make in a year?
  7. 从你过去的工作经验中给我一个例子,你必须依靠口头给你的信息来完成工作.
  8. What different approaches do you use in talking with different people? How do you know you are getting your point across?
  9. What is the worst communication problem you have experienced? How did you handle it?


  1. Tell me about a time you had to take a firm stand with a co-worker. What was the situation? What was difficult about the co-worker? What was the firm stand you had to take?
  2. Describe how you instruct someone to do something new. What were you training them to do? Walk me through how you did it.
  3. 说说你的一个新想法或行动计划必须获得同事的认可的经历.
  4. 告诉我你提出的一个新想法或做事的方法,并且得到了老板的同意. What did you do to get it to the right person? What did you do to get the boss to agree? Be specific.
  5. Describe any supervisory or leadership training, schooling, or work experience you have had and its relevance to this position.
  6. 你有什么样的领导才能和经验使你成为一个有效的领导者? Be specific.


  1. What did/do you like best (least) about your job as a _______________________? 
  2. What were/are your reasons for leaving _________________________________?
  3. 给我一些你在________________工作中满意的经历? Dissatisfying? Why?
  4. 在______________的工作中,你最大的成就感是什么? Why?
  5. All jobs have their frustrations and problems. 描述你不满意的具体工作条件、任务或分配. Why?
  6. 给我一些你个人满意的工作经历的例子.
  7. What are some recent responsibilities you have taken on? Why did you assume these responsibilities?
  8. 请给出一个具体职位的职责和职责与你个人满意的职责和责任重叠的例子.
  9. Why do you want to be a (title of position)?
  10. Why did you choose this (career, type of work)?

Physical Address:

Bruce Pitman Center
Room 041

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4241
Moscow, ID 83844-4241

Phone: 208-885-5059

Phone: 208-885-2322
