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Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046



Beans Peas and 小扁豆

2007 North-Central Idaho Crop Management Trials

总结了2007年在爱达荷州北部进行的田间农艺绩效评估, including a demonstration trial of safflower yield, an herbicide response study with Clearfield wheat, an...


介绍了2006-07赛季在克雷格蒙特到邦纳斯费里进行的各种性能试验的结果. Varieties of winter wheat, 春小麦, 春大麦 and spring...


Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 春大麦, 春季豌豆, lentil and chickpea cultivars tested in trials conducted in Idaho, 刘易斯, 内兹佩尔塞, 拉塔病和 Boundary counties...


Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 春大麦, 春季豌豆, 扁豆和鹰嘴豆品种在爱达荷州的11个试验点进行了试验, 刘易斯, 内兹佩尔塞, 拉塔病和...

2011 Small Grain and Grain Legume Report

365滚球官网的爱达荷小粒和豆类研究与推广项目总结了冬小麦的表现, 春小麦, 春大麦, 春季豌豆,...

2012 Small Grain and Grain Legume Report

Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 干豌豆, 小扁豆和鹰嘴豆品种在刘易斯的八个试验点进行了试验, 内兹佩尔塞,...


Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 干豌豆, 小扁豆和鹰嘴豆品种在刘易斯的八个试验点进行了试验, 内兹佩尔塞,...


Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 干豌豆, 小扁豆和鹰嘴豆品种在刘易斯的12个试验点进行了试验, 内兹佩尔塞,...


Summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 干豌豆, 小扁豆和鹰嘴豆品种在刘易斯的10个试验点进行了试验, 内兹佩尔塞,...


这 report summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 冬天的豌豆, 春季豌豆, lentil and chickpea varieties tested in extension variety trials...


这 report summarizes the performance of winter wheat, 春小麦, 冬大麦, 春大麦, 冬天的豌豆, 春季豌豆, lentil and chickpea varieties tested in 扩展 variety trials...

Controlling Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea

本出版物涵盖了真菌枯萎病的背景和如何维持盈利鹰嘴豆生产的信息. 涵盖的主题包括轮作作物,选择作物品种,使用...


种植者如何知道该种植什么,或者什么对他们的经营有利? 该出版物提供了典型旱地作物的农场成本和回报的基准估计...


Idaho leads the nation in barley production, 尽管爱达荷州东部(该州最大的贡献者)的年降水量很少. 应用ing shrewd irrigation management practices...

Diagnosing and Managing Rhizoctonia in Idaho Bean Crops

根腐病是爱达荷州南部作物的一种重要的豆类病害,造成30%至100%的产量损失, depending on the degree of severity. The culprit is a soilborne fungus,...


种植毛豆是一种美味而多功能的蔬菜,在这些专家的一点点帮助下也是一种乐趣. 作者:卡罗尔·迈尔斯,贾斯汀·欧戴,凯瑟琳·丹尼尔斯,杰基·金

Improving Weed Control in Dry Bean Using Narrow Planting

在种植干豆时,整个季节的杂草控制是一个重要的目标. 毛茄属植物, lambsquarters, 赤根藜和绿狐尾草对爱达荷州南部的大豆产量危害尤其严重. 这...


在内陆太平洋西北部高降雨量地区的小谷物和豆类作物中, mayweed chamomile is a troublesome weed. Individual plants can produce as many as 17,000 seeds,...

Integrated Management of Wild Oat in the Pacific Northwest

In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), 野燕麦已成为小粮轮作作物的重要杂草害虫, including pulse crops, 土豆, sugar beet and oilseed crops. It has infested more than 3...

Integrated Pest Management of Aphids in 谷物

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Aphids in Legumes

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Leaf Weevil in Legumes

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Weevil in Peas

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, meaning that a large number of Idahoans contend with them each year. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Weed Management in Dry Edible Beans


Management of White Mold of Beans

Describes the symptoms, disease cycle and management of white mold in beans, including prelanting considerations, cultural control and chemical control. Full-color photographs picture white mold as...

North Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Alfalfa

Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, 这份三页的出版物提供了石灰和氮的肥料指南,...

Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Legume and Legume-Grass 牧场s

Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, 这份三页的出版物为已建立的非灌溉提供了肥料指南...

Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: 小扁豆

Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, 这份四页的出版物提供了氮肥指南, 磷,...

Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Spring Peas

Fertilizer improves plant growth and productivity. An entry in the northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide series, 这份四页的出版物提供了氮肥指南, 磷,...


豌豆芽, 年轻的, tender vine tips of garden peas, are increasingly found in high-end restaurants; learn to successfully grow this delicacy. Authors: Carol Miles, Justin O'Dea, Catherine...

Quick Facts: Idaho Beans

这份两页的情况说明书提供了在爱达荷州南部种植干豆的建议, with pointers on soil sampling and testing, 受精, irrigation and insect, weed and disease control.

Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Beans


UI 228 and UI 229-New Small Red Bean Cultivars

ui228和ui239是1993年发布的高产小红豆品种. 这 publication provides an overview of these two varieties, including a history of their pedigree and...

Uniform Plant Stand Is Key to Crop Yield and Quality

Because it affects all aspects of crop production, uniform stand establishment is vital for healthy crop production. 了解使种植者能够实现这一重要目标的因素,...


Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046

