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Establishing a Lawn

The most important part of establishing a lawn is proper soil preparation. 草坪草失败的主要原因之一是场地准备不足,土壤特征不充分. 分区内的新建筑需要清除表土,以便勾勒出足够的雨水排水轮廓. 通常,在安装草坪之前,表土没有被放回房屋周围. 了解良好苗床准备的要求将有助于草坪的长期成功.

Using good quality seed is also very important. 阅读草坪草选择部分,为您的应用选择正确类型的草. Additionally, 确保购买的种子发芽率高(至少85%),并且含有最少的杂草种子和“其他作物种子”.”

在爱达荷州播种冷季草的最佳时间是夏末和秋天,原因有几个. Soil temperatures are optimum for seed germination, there is less competition from summer annual weeds, and the newly emerged grass seedlings will not be exposed to summer heat. It is possible to seed a lawn successfully in the spring, 但是需要额外的照顾来帮助幼苗在炎热的夏季生长.

The establishment process includes: Site preparation/rough grading, seedbed preparation, seeding/sodding, post seeding/sodding care.

Site Preparation for Lawns and Turf

Remove rocks and debris from area to be seeded.

被土壤覆盖的大块剩余建筑木材或树桩最终会腐烂,在草坪上留下洼地,也会导致导致仙女环的真菌. 坡度至少为2%(每12英寸下陷1/4英寸),以保证足够的排水. 此时正是安装地下灌溉系统的好时机. However, before installing the system, 确保你知道你的景观特征,如树木和花坛的位置,这样树木以后就不会干扰灌溉系统或花坛将被适当地浇灌. 在种植草坪之前,也是控制根深蒂固的多年生杂草的好时机,比如庸医草, Canada thistle and field bindweed.

After properly grading the subsoil, 如果现场的表土数量不够,则应添加表土(至少6英寸)。. 最终的表土等级应与下垫基的轮廓相匹配.

Seedbed Preparation

Add soil amendments such as compost if the soil is low in organic matter. 土壤测试会告诉你土壤是否需要有机物或其他养分. 施肥和土壤改良剂的深度至少为6英寸.

After the tillage operation, 较小的区域用耙子刨平表面,较大的区域用骑式割草机或四轮车拖一块铁链栅栏. 最后的苗床应该是湿润的,稍微牢固,留下四分之一英寸的足迹. 在这最后的耙操作中,撒上一种发酵剂并耙入该区域. 一般的经验法则是以每1000英尺1磅氮的速率添加含有足够磷的起始肥料.


Seed the area in two directions to ensure adequate coverage, then rake lightly to place the seed at about a one-quarter inch depth. A metal leaf rake works well. 轻轻滚动整个区域,以确保良好的种子与土壤接触使用轻型滚筒. Apply a straw mulch, especially on sloped areas, 防止侵蚀,帮助保持水分以及缓冲温度,而幼苗正在出现. 如果以适当的速度施用,则不需要在出苗后耙掉护根物.

Post Planting Care

在发芽过程中,要经常轻轻灌溉,以保持土壤表面湿润. 这可能需要每天两到三次轻浇水,特别是在炎热干燥的天气期间. 上午中期和下午中期的灌溉可能足以保持表面湿润, but an additional irrigation may be needed in the early evening as well. Once the seedlings have grown to a height of 1 inch, 灌溉的频率可以降低,水量可以增加.

第一次刈割应该在幼苗刚刚达到所需的刈割高度时进行. 在草被割了至少四次之前,不要在新播种的种子上使用除草剂. If seeding was done in the fall, 由于一年生杂草都会在冬季死亡,所以可以不使用除草剂. If perennial broadleaf weeds are seen in the fall, they should be controlled, but still wait the minimum 4 mowings before applying a herbicide.


The seedbed should be prepared the same way for sod as for seed. 同样重要的是,在安装时,土壤要湿润(而不是潮湿),以促进根系生长. Sod that is placed on dry soil will have a difficult time growing new roots. 把草皮铺成砖一样的形状,边缘紧紧地贴在一起. On sloped areas, 将草皮水平放置在斜坡上,在陡峭的地方使用木桩以避免打滑. Working in long straight lines will help reduce labor and waste. 安装后轻轻滚动该区域,以清除气穴,并提供良好的根与土壤接触.

新铺草坪的地方需要经常灌溉,因为草缺乏根系. An initial irrigation of about one-half to 1 inch should be applied, 然后是足够的水,每天保持草皮下面的土壤湿润. For about the first two weeks while the roots are growing, 不断检查土壤湿度,抬起草皮的一角,以确保有足够的水分存在. 至少在4周内避免车辆进入该区域,以确保足够的根系生长. Sometime during the first year following establishment, 新铺的草坪应该进行核心净化,以帮助消除草皮上的土壤和苗床之间产生的任何土层. 土层使水和营养物质难以在整个土壤剖面中正常流动.

More information about starting a lawn can be found in Starting a Home Lawn (CIS1062).


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