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雷蒙德一. 迪克逊,Ph值.D.



ED 207





  • Ph.D. 人力资源教育:伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校,伊利诺伊州. Concentration- Human Resource Development /Engineering and Technology Education, 2010
  • MSc. 技术:伊利诺斯州立大学,伊利诺斯州师范. 集中-项目管理/培训与发展,2004
  • BEd:工业技术
  • 牙买加科技大学. 浓缩-机械技术,2001

  • 国家发展组织协会(NADO)创新奖. Presented to CEDA for Collaborative work in manufacturing workforce development 2016
  • Outstanding Assistant Professor Award by the Board of the University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education (UCWHRE) 2015
  • CEDA Recognition Award for leadership in improving the region’s understanding of manufacturing skills needed for the future economic growth 2015
  • Member of the 职业生涯 and 技术教育 graduate program advisory committee 教师 of Education and Liberal Studies, 科技大学, 牙买加2014
  • Nominated and voted as a member of the Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference 2013
  • 2012年获得ITEEA/FTTE/CTETE领导学院奖
  • 研究员:CTETE, FTTE, ITEEA领导学院,2011-2012
  • Fellow: National Center for Engineering and Technology Education 2007-2011
  • 肖夫旅游奖,ASEE-工程图形部2011
  • Caterpillar Scholarship for Excellence in Human Resource Development: University of Illinois- Department of Human Resource Education 2009
  • Tomblinson Award for Excellence in Technical and Vocational Education: University of Illinois-Department of Human Resource Education 2008
  • Instructor of the Year Award- National Tool and Engineering Institute 1999
  • Halston Limited Award for excellence in Industrial Technology 牙买加科技大学 1996
  • 水泥公司优秀奖技术大学,牙买加,1996年

雷蒙德·迪克森毕业于科技大学, 牙买加, with a diploma in mechanical technology and bachelor's of education in industrial technology. He taught engineering technology at the Dinthill Technology High School and worked as a maintenance engineer at the Ministry of 健康 in 牙买加. He later joined the national training agency as an instructor at the National Tool and Engineering Institute. 在那里,他教授维修和机械技术, 为工业界设计和提供了许多培训项目. He received a Training of Trainers certificate from India in 2000 and was awarded instructor of the year at NTEI the following year. 他后来担任系主任, 副经理, 也是国家工具与工程研究所的技术协调员.

After completing his master’s degree in industrial technology at 伊利诺斯州立大学, he taught for three years at the School of Technical and Vocational Education, 牙买加科技大学. 迪克森 became a fellow of the National Center for Engineering and Technology Education (NCETE) and completed his 医生torate at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. 在加入365滚球官网之前, 迪克森 worked as a research coordinator at the Center for Mathematics Science and Technology (CeMaST), 伊利诺斯州立大学.

自从加入365滚球官网, 迪克森 has developed competency research charts for several job areas that are critical for economic growth in north central Idaho. 他参与的资助项目总额超过200万美元.

  • 设计认知

  • STEM整合和劳动力教育与发展

  • CoPI - NSF ATE Award “Technical 职业生涯 Pathways for Rural Manufacturing: Using a Sector Approach to Support the Northwest Intermountain Metal Manufacturers (NIMM):  2017 – Present

  • Senior Personnel - NSF ITEST Award “Building STEM Identity and 职业生涯 Interests in Native American Students By Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Remote Sensing Technologies": 2016 – 2019

  • PI - CEDA Award “Identification of the Critical Occupations for the Northwest Intermountain Metal Manufacturer Supercluster”: 2013

  • 共同负责人,为农村制造业创造区域劳动力. NSF奖编号. 1104078. (2011-2014). 美国爱达荷州西北部. NIMA之间的合作努力, CEDA, LCSC and 365滚球官网 College of Education to train technology education, 数学, and science teachers in the use of a solid modeling software for teaching design

  • 学习迁移:在解决问题的过程中连接概念. 地点(Normal, Illinois, USA). Examined the extent to which students who have done the PLTW curriculum are able to connect concept learned from the curriculum to concepts used in the solving of well-structured and design problems.

  • 多尔蒂,J.迪克森,R. A., & 美林,C. (审查). 研究 evidence of the impact of engineering design on technology and Engineering Education Students. 技术教育杂志.
  • 赫顿,D., & 迪克逊,R. A. (2016). Technical vocational education and training (TVET) and its integration into general education at the university level, 加勒比海的课程, 24. 1-26
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & 赫顿,D. (2016). 加勒比地区的STEM和TVET:小学阶段的整合框架, 二次, 还有高等教育. 加勒比海的课程, 24. 100-126
  • 介绍C. A., & 迪克逊,R. A. (2016). Identifying indicators related to constructs for engineering design outcome. 技术教育杂志, 27(2), 57-77. doi: 10.21061 / jte.v27i2.a.4
  • 斯特里克林,我.迪克森,R. A., & 霍利约克,. (2015). Collaborative partnership to address workforce education in a rural region: A case study. 劳动力教育与发展在线期刊, 8(1), 1-23.
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & 梅恩,H. (2015). 为什么用“你”和“你自己”说话? 通过对话分析探索角色认同. 加勒比海的课程, 23, 1–22.
  • 迪克逊,R. A.斯特里克林,L, S. (2015). Linking technology education in rural schools in north central Idaho to manufacturing [Special edition]. 技术、管理与应用工程学报, 31(1), 2-9.
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & Lammi, M. (2014). Cognitive mapping techniques: Implications for research in engineering and technology education. 技术教育杂志, 24(2), 2-17. doi: 10.21061 / jte.v25i2.a.1
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & 斯特里克林,我. (2014). Lessons learned using the modified DACUM approach to identify duties and tasks for CADD technicians in north central Idaho. 劳动力教育与发展在线期刊, 7(1), 1-14.
  • 迪克逊,R. A. (2013). Trends and issues in technology education in the USA: Lessons for the Caribbean. 加勒比海的课程, 21, 47-33.
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & 布朗,R. (2012). 学习迁移:在解决问题的过程中连接概念. 技术教育杂志, 24(1), 73-89. doi: 10.21061 / jte.v24i1.a.1
  • 迪克逊,R. A., & 约翰逊,年代. D. (2012). The use of executive control processes in engineering design by engineering students and professional engineers. 技术教育杂志. 24(1), 2-17. doi: 10.21061 / jte.v24i1.a.5
  • 多尔蒂,J.卡斯特,R. L.迪克森,R. A. (2012). 学习概念映射 & 评估. 技术与工程教师 71(8), 10-14
  • 迪克逊,R., & 约翰逊,S, D. (2011). Experts versus novices: Differences in how mental representations are used in engineering design. 技术教育杂志 23(1), 47-65
  • 迪克逊,R. (2011). Cognitive strategies ad selected core thinking skills of an expert and a novice. STEM教师教育杂志 48(1), 1-34
  • 迪克逊,R. (2009). 通过综合学习和合作鼓励创新. 加勒比教育杂志, 31(1), 89-101






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