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College of Natural 资源

U of I 皮特金森林苗圃
1025 Plant Science Rd


Fax: 208-885-6564 (specify nursery)




The Formation Era—1909 through 1934: Clement Price

1909年,查尔斯. Shattuck received permission from the Board of Regents to use 15 acres of a steep, thistle-covered hillside, “an unsightly disfiguration back of campus,” to establish an arboretum. Because plants were only available from eastern nurseries and were expensive, Shattuck得出结论, “It was evident that we must grow our own trees from seed.”

1910年3月, 沙塔克称这是“拉塔县有史以来最热、最干燥的三月风”,种子被播种了. Shattuck, expecting a humiliating failure, left campus for the summer leaving Clement Price to tend the seedlings. When Shattuck returned he discovered “.... many of the trees were not only alive, but had made vigorous growth, 还有苗床, 虽然迟了, had an excellent stand of the most lusty seedlings I had ever seen, the combined results of method, 土壤和护理.总之, Shattuck, Price and student helpers had planted some 12,000 trees comprising 130 species in the five acres of the arboretum.

1926年的克拉克-麦克纳里法案扩大了森林托儿所的目的和设施,托儿所成为事实上的国家托儿所. 考虑到对树木的需求会增加,该大学沿着斯威特大道租了27英亩土地.

In 1932, 林务协会清理了一块场地,并在植物园的东北侧建造了一个石头壁炉,以纪念克莱门特·普莱斯多年来的奉献. Since 18 May 1932, this area is known as Price Green. Nurseryman Price retired in 1934.

The Student Era—1939 through 1979: 富兰克林H. 皮特金

A nursery worker from 1934, Frank 皮特金 was appointed manager in 1939; a position he held for 40 years. Many would echo the sentiments of Paul Easterbrook, 42届的同学说, “Without Frank's encouragement and help, not to mention those $0.25 per hour jobs pulling seedlings, many of us would not have made it through.”The nursery shipped bareroot seedlings to county extension agents statewide, promoting conservation and reforestation efforts. 皮特金提倡让学生参与托儿所的日常运作. 托儿所设施, 存储, 车库, 冷却器, 商店, and two residence buildings were located on Sweet Avenue.

In 1956, 帕克农场(200英亩)位于特洛伊高速公路(爱达荷州8号),由林业学院以100美元的价格购买,000. Nursery beds were developed and a 商店 and 车库 building was constructed. Seedlings were grown at the Sweet Avenue site and at Parker Farm. 1978年,皮特金开始在帕克农场苗圃建造两个玻璃纤维温室(34英尺x 108英尺),并于1979年7月退休.

To his friends, “Pit” was an amiable man. 他最突出的遗产是自然资源学院大厅里的那个障碍物. Pit帮助选择, and oversaw the harvest, 交付, 在1970年建造新北车大楼期间安装了白皮松. In 1989 the nursery site at Parker Farm was dedicated in memory of 富兰克林H. 皮特金, and in 2002 the production nursery was renamed in his honor. 纪念他的奖学金基金帮助支持对托儿所管理感兴趣的学生.

The Technology Era—1979 through 2005: Dr. 大卫L. 温妮

Dave 温妮 joined the faculty August 1, 1979. 1980年春季的作物是第一批在熏蒸土壤中播种的大学作物,也是第一批为了便于机械化除草和根治而成行播种的作物. This was also the first crop where weeds were controlled with herbicides. 斯金纳灌溉系统被固体灌溉系统所取代,以提高灌溉的均匀性. The greenhouses at Parker Farm were still under construction and had gravel floors, cedar benches with wire screen tops, 荧光照明, 油加热器, manually controlled ventilation, four homemade irrigation booms, no nutrient injection system and lacked automated environmental controls.

In 1982, the bareroot crops were plowed under, 终止裸根种植,因为帕克农场的粉质粘土土壤和排水系统不佳,无法培育优质幼苗. Emphasis shifted to container seedling production. 1982年至2005年, 原来的托儿所基础设施完全被最先进的标准所取代, and additional equipment and facilities (micropropagation laboratory, 存储冰箱, 办公大楼, 室外种植区, 存储建设, 精密播种机, nutrient injection system).

In 1984 the first graduate student was hired with the title of assistant manager. 第二年, 爱达荷州土地部门要求与该大学签订长期的种苗生产协议. 州校董会批准了三个新温室的协议和建设. 一个新的, 私人集装箱托儿所声称不公平竞争引发了全州范围内关于私人与公共竞争的辩论, 爱达荷州苗圃行业和该大学的代表组成了苗圃咨询委员会,以促进交流并加强该设施的研究. The nursery was renamed the Forest 研究 Nursery to reflect that new focus. 1984年至2005年, the 研究 Nursery published 158 publications, a variety of graduate student theses, technology transfer publications, 研究更新, and results of research projects in proceedings and scientific journals. 自1987年以来, 托儿所咨询委员会几乎每年召开一次会议,讨论托儿所的运作和听取研究结果. 一般, 自1987年起,托儿所每隔一年为托儿所经理举办一次与托儿所管理有关的讲习班. From 1987 to the present, 苗圃负责协调一年一度的山间集装箱苗木种植者协会会议.

In 1991, 托儿所被要求腾出甜道设施,以供大学发展, and by 1994 all nursery staff were located at Parker Farm. The production component of the nursery, 2002年,弗兰克·皮特金森林苗圃和研究部分被统称为森林苗圃和幼苗研究中心.

Dave 温妮于1989年被学院评为杰出研究员,并于1994年被学院评为杰出继续教育和服务. He also received the prestigious University’s Excellence in 外展 Award in 2005. Dave retired in June 2005, leaving a state-of-the-art, 非常高效。, 自动化苗木生产设备以及研究实验室和设施.

The International Era – 2007-2016: Dr. 安东尼年代. 戴维斯

Dr. 安东尼年代. 戴维斯于2007年被聘为自然资源学院CFNSR主任和教员. 安东尼继承了CFNSR作为地区和国家原生植物再生领导者的强大遗产,并推动该计划在重新造林和恢复中使用幼苗获得国际认可. With an expanded roster of graduate students, CFNSR完成了对幼苗质量评估实验室的全面检查,并开始在爱达荷州的景观中进行研究, 保持对再造林的高度重视,同时检查旱地和草原恢复项目的幼苗质量. 在国际上, CFNSR在海地参与了一些最具挑战性的项目, 黎巴嫩, 亚美尼亚, 菲律宾, 和多哥. 这项工作应用了在新条件下建立秧苗制度的概念, 这反过来又为这些在爱达荷州和美国西部使用的方法的改进提供了宝贵的投入.

With the broad recognition of the CFNSR, 西雅图的慈善家Tom Alberg和Judi Beck思考了加强365滚球官网幼苗研究能力的必要性. Through a generous gift, they created the first endowed chair at the University, the Tom Alberg and Judith Beck Chair in Natural 资源, with the intention of that chair being held by the director of the CFNSR. 戴维斯 was named to the position in January 2013. With seed money provided by Alberg and Beck, CFNSR得以与一个广泛的捐赠网络合作,建立了屡获殊荣的汤姆和泰塔瑞弗利托儿所, 一个多功能房间,设有办公室和教学空间,用于苗木事务等. 该设施内的Jo Ellen Force协作馆定期举办社区外展活动, 林业类, and training and outreach activities for the CFNSR.


College of Natural 资源

U of I 皮特金森林苗圃
1025 Plant Science Rd


Fax: 208-885-6564 (specify nursery)

