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迈克尔 McGriff





875 Perimeter Drive MS 1102
莫斯科, Idaho 83844-1102

  • M.F.A., 诗歌 and Fiction, University of Texas at Austin Michener Center for Writers, 2006 
  • B.A., 英语, University of 俄勒冈州, 2003

迈克尔McGriff is an author, editor, and translator. He was born and raised in Coos Bay, 俄勒冈州, and attended the University of 俄勒冈州, The Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, and Stanford University. He is the co-author, with J. M. Tyree, of the linked story collection Our Secret Life in the Movies, which was selected as one of NPR’s Best Books of 2014. His poetry collections include 早一小时, 黑色的明信片, 家冢, a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice selection, and Dismantling the Hills. He is the translator of Nobel laureate Tomas Traströmer’s 悲伤的贡多拉 and is the editor of a volume of David Wevill’s essential writing, To Build My Shadow a Fire. From 2009-2014 he published and edited Tavern Books, a nonprofit literary press dedicated to poetry in translation and the revival of out-of-print world classics. He is a former Stegner Fellow and Jones Lecturer at Stanford University, and his work has been honored with a Lannan Literary Fellowship, a Ruth Lilly Fellowship, and a grant from the National Endowment for the 艺术. His writing has appeared in 《365体育滚球》, 诗歌, Bookforum, 信徒, 锡的房子, American 诗歌 Review, and on NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday and PBS 新闻Hour. He has taught creative writing at Stanford University, The Michener Center for Writers, and Lewis & 克拉克学院, and for several years has mentored young writers as a 访问ing Writer at American International School in Vienna, 奥地利, and as a faculty member in the 肯扬审查 Young Writers Workshop.

  • 早一小时 (Copper Canyon Press, 2017)
  • 黑色的明信片 (Willow Springs Books, 2017)
  • Our Secret Life in the Movies, co-authored with J. M. Tyree (A Strange Object, 2014)
  • 家冢 (Copper Canyon Press, 2012)
  • 悲伤的贡多拉 by Tomas Tranströmer, translated with Mikaela Grassl (Green Integer, 2010)
  • To Build My Shadow a Fire: The 诗歌 and Translations of David Wevill, editor (Truman State University Press, 2010)
  • Dismantling the Hills (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008)

诗歌, fiction, essays, reviews, and literary translations have appeared in 《365体育滚球》, 信徒, 锡的房子, Bookforum, 诗歌伦敦, 诗歌, American 诗歌 Review, and on PBS 新闻Hour and NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday.

  • NPR Best Books of 2014 selection for Our Secret Life in the Movies
  • BBC’s “Ten Books to Read in November” selection for Our Secret Life in the Movies, 2014. 
  • 2013 Levis Reading Prize for 家冢, Department of 英语, Virginia Commonwealth University.
  • New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice selection for 家冢, 2012.
  • Lannan Literary Selection for 家冢, 2012.
  • Lannan Writer’s Residency, 2011.
  • Lannan Literary Fellowship, 2010.
  • Balcones 诗歌 Prize for Dismantling the Hills, 2009.
  • National Endowment for the 艺术 Literature Fellowship (诗歌), 2009.
  • Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize for Dismantling the Hills, 2007. 
  • Wallace Stegner Fellowship in 创意写作, 2006-2008.
  • 詹姆斯一. Michener Fellowship in 创意写作, 2003-2006. 
  • Roy Crane Award for Outstanding Work in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin, 2006.
  • Ruth Lilly 诗歌 Fellowship, The 诗歌 Foundation, 2005.
  • C. Hamilton Bailey 诗歌 Fellowship, Literary 艺术, 2003.

  • 诗歌 and hybrid forms
  • 诗歌 in translation
  • Postwar European poetry
  • The poetry of Tomas Tranströmer
  • The writings of David Wevill

M.F.A. 创意写作



875 Perimeter Drive MS 1102
莫斯科, Idaho 83844-1102


电子邮件: creativewriting@ycdwkj666.com

网络: 英语

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