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Culture, Society & Justice

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Student Health Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


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101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

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Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

Web: aacc

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Public Opinion, Law Enforcement and the Media


Television, documentaries, films, 报纸和社交媒体:人们通过许多不同的方式获取有关当前话题和事件的信息. Kristine Levan, 365滚球官网文学院社会学助理教授, Arts and Social Sciences, 正在探索这些不同类型的媒体如何告知公众对执法机构的看法.


“Personally, I noticed [the increase of] stories in all forms of media; however, 值得注意的是,故事的增加并不一定意味着频率的增加, 它意味着被报道的故事频率的增加(这可能意味着也可能不意味着频率的增加),” Levan said.

Her research project, 题为“透过媒体曝光,社区与执法的关系”,” was awarded the 2017-18 Kurt O. Olsson Early Career Research Fellowship. 为促进人文学科的研究和创造性活动而设立, arts and social sciences, 奥尔森奖学金是学院最重要的内部资助机会之一. 它的目标是最近聘用的教师帮助开发学术/创造性项目或补充正在进行的项目.

莱万说:“我很兴奋也很感激被选为奥尔森奖学金的成员。. “这个奖项帮助我专注于一个及时而重要的项目, 鉴于目前社区和执法人员之间的关系紧张.” 

Levan joined the University of Idaho in 2016. 她的研究和教学兴趣集中在暴力犯罪, prison culture, 死刑与公众对犯罪和罪犯的看法.

“I teach classes that cover the same issues, 所以我很好奇,当这些话题在课堂讨论中被提起时,学生们是如何处理这些故事的,” Levan said. 

Kelsey Stevenson, 南帕大学主修心理学和社会学,主修犯罪学的大四学生, assists Levan as an undergraduate research assistant. 

“我一直对媒体扮演的重要角色很感兴趣, 因为在我的一生中,我接触过许多不同的媒体——从我年轻时的电视和报纸, 源源不断的社交媒体和在线新闻来源,” Stevenson said. 

莱文和史蒂文森想要找到一系列来自不同专业和兴趣的学生进行面试. They recruited subjects from freshman-level classes, 包括ISEM(综合研讨会)课程和介绍美国.S. History.

“我想给凯尔西一个真正身临其境、真实的研究体验, so we wrote the questions together, and she interviewed many of the participants herself,” Levan said. 

这对夫妇在2017年5月完成了采访,正在分析他们的结果,寻找模式. 他们正在努力查明学生接触到的媒体类型,以及这些媒体如何影响他们对执法和社区互动的看法. 


“当我准备在刑事司法系统工作时, 我认为了解公众如何看待执法以及媒体如何参与其中是很重要的, and our research is helping me see those connections,” Stevenson said. 

许多受访者承认,在一些社区与一些执法人员的关系方面存在问题,但大多数人对执法人员持积极态度, 承认我们所看到的针对警察的暴力和由警察制造的暴力, are not the norm. 

“他们明白这些事件并不是大多数互动的代表, 但他们也承认,当事件再次发生时,可能造成的损害, by both the police and citizens) in terms of trust,” Levan said. 


“我们的报告已经在11月的美国犯罪学学会会议上被接受, 凯尔西还计划为即将到来的学年的本科生研究研讨会制作一张海报,” Levan said. 

The two are also co-authoring a paper. 

“重要的是,我们要了解所有的媒体流是如何帮助我们共同理解的, and why, we frame incidents in the ways we do,” Levan said. “In the future, 我希望继续这条调查路线,并以此为基础进行研究, perhaps extending it to the community at large,” Levan said.

文章作者Laurien Mavey,文学、艺术和社会科学学院

Kristine Levan and an undergraduate assistant
克里斯汀·莱文(Kristine Levan)和一名本科生助理致力于确定媒体平台是帮助还是阻碍了公众对执法和司法系统的看法.

Culture, Society & Justice

Physical Address:
Student Health Center, 3rd Floor

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4207
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
101 Phinney Hall

Mailing Address:
Culture, Society & Justice Department
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1110
Moscow, ID 83844-1110


Physical Address:
404 Sweet Avenue

Mailing Address:
Asian American Comparative Collection
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1111
Moscow, Idaho 83844-1111

Phone: 208-885-7075

Web: aacc

Faculty and Staff Map
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