

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.



Education Level: Bachelor's
GPA: 3.0
参考文献数量: 3
Other Req.: Yes, see below


Terms: 秋天,春天还是夏天
Location: Moscow, Online
Thesis option: Non-thesis
WRGP学费: Yes
Deadlines: 查看U of I的截止日期
加快录取: Yes (仅限前伊利诺伊大学)
Online Option: Yes

Program Contacts

Philip W. Scruggs


  • Interview


One-year online option emphasis 体育课 Pedagogy is only available for certified teachers.

由于这个项目的性质, immigration regulations prohibit students requiring an F-1 or J-1 visa admission to this program. 其他签证类别的学生也可以在美国学习.S.

Contact the 国际项目办公室 有关在美期间入学的规定.S. 递交申请前.

申请人必须有最低的总平均绩点(GPA) 3.00 on a 4.相当于美国的00级刻度.S. bachelor’s degree. 如果你的平均成绩达到最低入学要求, the department of major will determine if your overall academic record and test scores meet department requirements.

Note: 如果你不满足最小值3.你的申请可以被考虑录取,如果你:

  • 本科GPA为3分.最后60个学期学分或90个季度学分必须达到0或更高.


  • 在项目相关专业工作5年以上. 
  • 获得了系里一位教员的支持信. 
  • Wrote a detailed statement/essay describing your professional experience and potential to succeed academically

All graduate school applicants must satisfy the following criteria to be considered for graduate admission to the 365滚球官网
Have earned a bachelor's degree from a college or university accredited by a recognized accrediting body, A教育部, 或者是另一个国家的官方质量保证组织. 学士学位应该包括四年的学习, 相当于120个学期学分或180个学期学分.

An official academic record from all post-secondary education institutions attended is required. 这可能需要一些时间,所以在你的申请过程中尽早开始.

在无法取得正式记录的情况下, 非正式的记录可能会被用来考虑你的申请. These documents are typically issued to the student and may be considered official after further review. 这适用于不可能取得正式记录的情况, 并将根据具体情况进行考虑.


Students must have a bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association. 如果学位来自一个被认可但不是地区认可的机构, the application will be reviewed by the department and by the College of Graduate Studies.


For information about equivalency and required academic credentials by country of education page, use the 学位等同指引.

365滚球官网建议, 并保留要求的权利, 一份由外界进行的专业资质评估, independent party. 外部审查的原因包括, 但不限于, 核实文件真实性, potential transfer credits and the wish to expedite the processing of an application file. You are responsible for supplying the correct academic records and paying for the evaluation service. 你需要要求对每门课程进行评估. 转换国际学分需要一个 逐门课程的专业证书评估.


There is a list of the five services from which the 365滚球官网 will accept evaluations.

Precise, word-for-word, English translations are required for all foreign language documents.


The most common and widely accepted test is the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).



  • 托福(英语作为外语考试):最低总分79分 
  • 雅思(国际英语语言测试系统):最低总分6分.5
  • MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery):最低总分77分
  • PTE A (Pearson Test of English Academic):最低总分58分
  • 美国语言大学 & 文化课程(ALCP),成绩达到6级/高级及格
  • U.S. 获得学士学位或更高学历.S. institution
  • 多邻国英语考试:最低总分110分(2024年春季入学), 最低要求分数为115分)

A waiver for this requirement is automatically granted to applicants whose education is from countries where English is an official/native language. 欲了解更多信息,请 访问我们的英语国家页面.


  • 所有考试必须在本学期的两年内进行.
  • 一些研究生课程有更高的要求. If so, 你需要参加托福考试, 或同等测试, 并取得较高的分数,方可获得正式录取资格.
  • Some graduate programs allow admission to be granted to applicants who qualify academically, 但尚未达到英国大学的最低英语语言要求. 要查看信息和录取学生的项目列表, 访问我们的国际要求网页.


  • 建议使用台式机或笔记本电脑,不建议使用移动设备
  • 有推荐人的名字和电子邮件地址吗
  • 有所需文件的电子版吗
  • 准备好完成在线申请费

Provide Academic & 个人信息

  • Program applying
  • 学术背景
  • 英语水平(如适用)
  • GRE(如适用)
  • 您的365滚球官网
  • 回答不同的问题
  • 三(3)推荐人姓名和电子邮件


  • 简历或简历(CV)
  • 宗旨声明
  • 项目特定材料(如果需要)
  • 成绩单扫描(如适用)

Submit Fee

  • 提供付款信息

Popular Links

入学建议是基于部门的决定. 最终录取由研究生院决定.

要记住的重要事项 » Learn More

信件的数量取决于学术部门/课程. 个别项目可能需要1 - 3封推荐信. Please 收集推荐人的姓名和电子邮件地址. 您需要输入这些信息才能完成在线申请. Remember to inform recommenders in advance that they will receive an invitation to upload their letter of support directly to your application.


  • 请使用您的推荐信机构的电子邮件地址
  • Preferably, letters of recommendation should be issued on the university or company letterhead
  • Preferably, your recommendations should come from teaching or research faculty in an area related to your anticipated field of study or a company supervisor who has worked with you and can articulate your merits

欲了解更多信息,请 访问我们的文档资源页面.


Include your 所有材料上的全名 并确保上传 LEGIBLE.

任何特定度的变化, major or semester before enrollment requires a new application (including uploaded material) and a non-refundable fee.

To be considered official,所有的学习成绩和考试成绩(即. transcripts, 学位证书, GRE, TOEFL) must be sent directly from the institution and/or testing center to 研究生招生. 申请人或教育顾问/机构提交这些项目时, approved or not, 他们被认为 unofficial.



Additional items 申请人上传到应用程序中的内容包括(如果需要):

  • 简历/履历(必填)
  • 目的陈述书(必需)
  • 官方成绩单扫描件(可选,见下文)
  • 个人信息表(部分项目)
  • 编写示例(一些程序)
  • 作品集(部分项目)

Note: Failure to adhere to these requirements could delay your credential evaluation and/or admission to the 365滚球官网. 如需更多资讯或协助,请 访问我们的文档资源页面.


  • Applicants may upload scanned copies of official transcripts and translations via the online application. 只扫描高质量(600 dpi或更高), 正面和背面有评分键/量表),由大学注册办公室提供, 也称为你所在机构的原始文件, are acceptable. 这些扫描可以用来决定你是否被录取. However, the 最终将需要正式成绩单文件.


  • 国际机构: Academic credentials of all post-secondary course work must be received according to the 研究生招生网站上的国家具体说明.
  • U.S. Institutions: Academic transcripts from each college or university attended must be received by 研究生招生 directly from the awarding institution in the officially sealed envelope bearing the institution’s official seal, stamp, 和/或适当的签名.
  • 研究生招生接受美国学生的电子成绩单.S. 高等教育机构.
  • 现在或以前的伊利诺伊大学学生:如果你已经或正在就读伊利诺伊大学, 你不需要订购U of I成绩单. 研究生招生将为你确保他们.

Test Scores

  • ETS机构代码(U of I): 4843
  • GRE
    • 只有一些研究生项目才需要GRE成绩.
    • 部门代码(如果需要而没有提供):5199
    • A 放弃英语语言能力 requirement is automatically granted to students whose education is from countries where English is an official/native language.
    • 部门代码(如果需要但未提供):99


Complete and return the following to 研究生招生 regardless of your source(s) of funding:

  • 财务责任证明书表格
  • Copy of passport for applicant and all accompanying dependents requiring a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20)
  • 如果目前在美国.S., copy of:
    • Visa
    • Current I-20

所有目前在任何类型的机构(学院)持有F-1身份的学生, university, 美国的英语强化学院.S. who plan to transfer to the 365滚球官网 must complete the transfer procedure through SEVIS. 欲了解更多信息,请参见下面的“学生签证和SEVIS信息”下拉列表.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations require that every student verify the availability of funds to pay for educational and living expenses before an I-20 or DS-2019 form to obtain a visa to enter the U.S. can be issued.

Immigration regulations require that international students holding F-1 or J-1 student visas be certified as full-time students during the academic year. F-1 graduate students are required to be enrolled in nine credit hours and are allowed to take up to three credits of online coursework toward this requirement. J-1签证持有者也需要注册9个学分, 但不允许参加在线课程以达到9个学分的要求.


  • 国际学生需要额外的文件,请参阅上面“提交文件”下拉列表中的“国际”部分.
  • 并不是所有的项目都有资格申请F-1或J-1签证. 查看“特定计划”下拉框或联系该计划以获取信息.
  • 所有目前在任何类型的机构(学院)持有F-1身份的学生, university, 美国的英语强化学院.S. who plan to transfer to the 365滚球官网 must complete the transfer procedure through SEVIS.

SEVIS记录传输请求 (PDF Form)


  1. 被365滚球官网录取
  2. 通知你现在就读的学校你想转学
  3. Complete Part I of this form (only after you have been admitted and choose to attend U of I)
  4. 在你目前就读的学校有国际学生顾问完成第二部分吗
  5. After you and your current school have determined the date to have your SEVIS record electronically released to the 365滚球官网, 立即交回此表格
  6. 在发布日期之后,365滚球官网将出具I-20.


Physical Address:

820 Idaho Avenue
Moscow, ID 83843

Mailing Address:



Email: graduateadmissions@ycdwkj666.com

Web: 更多联系信息